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- ✝️ The Cold Plunge: Lessons in Faith and Fortitude
✝️ The Cold Plunge: Lessons in Faith and Fortitude
🚀 Plus, we have hope for healthy guys with dad bods as well as reading, style and finance tips
Good morning, my brothers! As many of us are bearing incredibly cold temperatures and others of us might be feeling direct effects from the wildfires raging in LA, we know that God is still in control and He allows us to go through trials to grow us in our intimacy and love for Him. On a much less important scale, the Lord used something very uncomfortable for me to teach me some key principles for walking with Him, which I share below. Let’s go!
This week’s manly topics (5-min read):
⛑️ MIND SET We’ve touched on the physical and mental benefits of cold water immersion. This week we consider the spiritual rewards you reap when you man up and embrace adversity in pursuit of God’s will and call.
📰 NEWS Encouraging dad bod fitness news plus finance, reading and style tips to inject and adorn your biblical masculinity with fresh vitality.
🎁 OFFER This week’s sponsor, 1440 News, delivers each day’s news headlines to your inbox with a refreshing objectivity that will keep you informed without driving you insane.
The Cold Plunge: Lessons in Faith and Fortitude

I recently joined the cold plunge movement, and I'm all in—New Year’s resolution style. After four attempts over the past year, I just invested in a 130-gallon tub and chiller. As I prepare to set it up, I can’t help but reflect on my first experience with this challenging practice.
That initial plunge happened last February, on one of 2024’s coldest days. Fortunately, I wasn't alone. Two neighbors joined me at our community pool—one a seasoned practitioner, the other a fellow novice. Our experienced friend laid down three non-negotiable rules:
Once we reached the pool deck, we immediately removed everything—flip-flops, sweatshirts, and shirts—and entered the water without hesitation. There was no debating, no toe-dipping, and no temperature checking.
Keep our eyes on her and follow her guidance throughout the experience.
Focus on the rewards awaiting us: the warm shower afterward, the full-body tingling sensation, and the endorphin rush that would fuel our entire day.
Those first 30 seconds were exactly as advertised—brutal. The cold literally stole my breath and voice. But as our friend coached us through it, something remarkable happened. The challenge became manageable, and by the end, I felt like a Super Bowl MVP heading to Disney World. The sense of accomplishment was electric.
Just weeks ago, the story came full circle when I guided my son through his first plunge in that same pool. The conditions were nearly identical—41-degree water and 34-degree air temperature. This time, I was the “seasoned pro,” sharing those three crucial rules and coaching him through those challenging minutes.
As I ordered my cold plunge supplies last Sunday night, the parallels between this practice and our spiritual journey became strikingly clear.
The Power of Advanced Decision-Making
The success of my cold plunges always starts the night before. I pack my gym bag, lay out my gear, and commit to meeting friends at 6 AM. Without this preparation and accountability, the warm bed would win every time.
This mirrors the importance of advanced decision-making in our spiritual lives. Oftentimes, if we don’t plan and prepare ourselves ahead of time, our best intentions don’t bear fruit. Here are two personal examples where advanced commitment is essential for follow-through:
My daily time with Jesus in Bible study and prayer
I make covenants with myself about personal conduct before facing temptation, not during. I’ve memorized scripture related to lust, greed, and pride. I know I frequently need to get up and get out of my own head by going to the gym or calling a friend.
When we wait until the moment of challenge to decide, we often choose the path of least resistance, which rarely aligns with what God would like us to do. But advance commitment builds a foundation for victory in Christ.
The Essential Role of Community
I doubt I would have followed through with any cold plunge without committing to friends or my son. Having both a coach and a companion made the experience not just more achievable but also more meaningful.
As men, we need similar relationships in our spiritual journey—fellow warriors who will both encourage and challenge us. We need brothers who love us enough to hold us accountable to biblical manhood, making our walk more enjoyable and profound. In our culture today, as many of us can attest to, this is hard to find.
For me, honestly, I only have a handful of really close friends who I know are armor-bearers for me. This didn’t just happen, I had to seek them out and nurture our friendships. I’m also involved in two local men’s Bible studies to walk in community.
Finally, a desire for community is a reason that I launched More The Man a few months back, as I know I wasn’t the only one out there needing it, and finding community is hard to develop.
The Importance of Immediate Action
Even with preparation, that moment on the pool deck could have ended differently if our experienced friend hadn’t insisted on immediate action. I can VERY easily get into my own head when the task ahead isn’t easy or out of my comfort zone.
How often does this parallel our spiritual lives? We say we’ll pray for someone but never do. We feel prompted to share our faith but hesitate. We want to get to church but are pulled away by the lure of some shiny object or activity. The early disciples demonstrated the power of immediate response—leaving their nets the moment Jesus called.
One of my consistent prayers right now is: Lord, when you speak, strengthen me to recognize it is You and to “just do it“ immediately, even if it’s uncomfortable. It’s the power of the Holy Spirit Who will reveal and nudge us to fully obey immediately. We can’t do this in our own strength, at least for very long.
Embracing Short-Term Sacrifice for Long-Term Gain
Through those icy minutes, I focus on the rewards ahead—the warm shower, the endorphin rush, and the victory mindset that carries through the day. This exemplifies the spiritual principle found in Hebrews 12:2, describing how Jesus Himself “for the joy set before Him, endured the cross.”
Walking in immediate obedience to God's call isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes, we must endure our own crosses and seasons of challenge. But faithful obedience always has a reward, whether in this life or the next.
Do we believe what Scripture teaches us that God always has our best in mind? That He never gives us more than we can handle in His power? That He has a plan for our lives? That our true home is heaven and that we are aliens and strangers here?
For Reflection and Action
As you continue your journey toward becoming the man God has called you to be, let me ask you:
What advanced decisions do you need to make today to do the hard things you know you need to do but keep finding excuses not to do?
How can you take the initiative and look to build meaningful connections with like-minded brothers?
What is God calling you to do right now that you’ve been denying for all too long?
What difficult and maybe even uncomfortable steps might you need to take right now for eternal rewards?
Stop now and ask God to reveal answers to the deep questions above and inspire you to take immediate action. Remember, like the cold plunge, the most worthwhile pursuits often require us to push through initial discomfort to achieve lasting transformation.
Study Hebrews 12:1-2 and ask God to show you the application in your life of seeking the joy set before you and enduring the cross He might have set before you right now.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Southern California for God’s comfort and peace to reign in them and that He might use this terrible tragedy to spark a revival in SoCal that would envelop the entire country.
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“For physical training is of some value …” 1 Timothy 4:8
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“Prove all things. Hold fast to that which is good” 1 Thessalonians 5:21
We appreciate the beneficial effects behaviors, like exercise, exert on our minds and moods. But are we taking advantage of the connection between our behavior and our spiritual health? Richard Foster’s classic The Celebration of Discipline explores personal and communal practices of our spiritual ancestors of which much of Modern Christianity has lost sight. Explore these disciplines, like meditation, fasting, simplicity and celebration, and then experiment with them to discover new sources of insight and vitality.
“… whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
Tired of seeing adult men walking around in pajamas? So are we. Let’s make 2025 the year we set an example of masculine style that will inspire the men around us. If we are representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven, we should look the part. But where should we start? I know: with scarves! Before you guffaw, learn more about the history of men’s scarves, get one and then don it accordingly on your way out on your next date night. Watch her eyes widen followed by a smile. As George Zimmerman famously said, “You're going to like the way you look.” Courtesy Real Men Real Style
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Flat tire. Busted washing machine. Dropped (and now deceased) laptop your son needs for school. Examples of unexpected crises we’ve all faced and that can upset our fragile financial equilibrium while inviting truckloads of anxiety and distress. Let’s make 2025 the year we insulate our hearts and minds against the anxiety of the unexpected by building a financial emergency fund. Courtesy Relevant Magazine

Thanks for joining us for MTM 21, our first issue of 2025! I will see you back here for MTM 22 next Saturday morning.
Questions? Send a note to Will.