Help us build the More The Man fraternity

It’s a privilege to bring this newsletter to 25,000 Christian men like you. Starting with zero in August 2024, we’ve grown to 25,000 by March 2025 thanks to guys like you sharing how MTM brings hope and connection.

I’ve self-funded it all so far, but to reach more men with bigger plans, I need your help. Would you join me as a financial partner? All donations are tax-deductible through Encouraged Life, our 501(c)3. Here’s how you can pitch in:

  • $10/month or $100/year: Fuels encouragement for 100 to 200 men annually—less than a sandwich. Includes a welcome shoutout.

  • $25/month or $200/year: Builds this community, impacting 200 to 400 men annually. Give $200 upfront for an MTM journal to capture your prayers. Snap a photo of it in use for our social media, plus get a newsletter shoutout and website donor roll.

  • $50/month or $500/year: Shapes a legacy for 500 to 1,000 men annually. Choose $500 upfront for the journal, a social media feature, newsletter nod, and donor roll listing.

Annual locks in your gift and the journal. Monthly keeps it flexible. Either way, you’re on our donor page with gratitude. Use this secure form below to contribute. Use the toggle switch near the top of the form to select your donation frequency. You will receive an email receipt you can save for reference when you do your taxes.

Annual locks in your gift and the journal. Monthly keeps it flexible. Either way, you’re on our donor page with gratitude. Use this secure form below to contribute. Use the toggle switch near the top of the form to select your donation frequency. You will receive an email receipt you can save for reference when you do your taxes.

THANK YOU helping us building the MTM fraternity and for reading, growing and sharing with each issue. Your growing closer to Christ is the BEST gift you can give me.

PS: Send me a photo of you with your Bible and journal so I can post on the MTM X profile.